Origin of the Black Beret

Become Tradition With River Patrol Force
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 An interesting addition to the
Black Beret story from Burt Witham to Larry
Bissonnette. "The first one [black beret] was presented to me by the
Chief of the Vietnamese River Police. I had queried Commander NavForV and he
indicated a resounding "NO". But the River Police Chief said;"If I
ceremoniously present this first one to you he can hardly say no, again."
we still wear them with pride......Burt Witham On Thursday April
19, 2001, ITCS Siewinski posted an entry on the Gamewardens website. He
said he, "would like to learn about the history of the "Black Beret" worn by
the "Brown Water Sailors" in Vietnam." Bill Rutledge, a former SEAWOLF
door gunner, decided he would ask some questions. He got responses from Fred
McDavitt, former Officer in Charge River Section 531, 1966-1967; and Cecil
Martin, former Boat Captain, PBR- 110, Navy Cross winner, of River Division
531, 1968-1969. Fred McDavitt starts with the disclaimer; "In the haze
of 35 years, I may have left a fact or two out, or invented one or two. But it
is to the best of my remembrance." Cecil Martin doesn't need any
disclaimer. He provided a copy of the message from Commander River Patrol Force,
Captain Burt Witham, authorizing the wearing of the Black Beret. Cecil got the
message from page 6 of the Gamewardens of Vietnam West Coast Chapter 1988
Newsletter dated June 19, 1988/VolumeXV 3. * Origin
of the Black Beret, Provided by Fred McDavitt
Provided by Cecil Martin * "Boats of Glass, Balls of Brass, Black Berets
Forever", RiverSection/Division 531 Toast