RIVGRU 1 Sailors
Recognized by GWVA
Story Number: NNS070909-06
Release Date:
9/9/2007 10:50:00 AM

The GWVN Leadership Excellence Award honorees
(and A. Billy Rat, Jr.), L to R: HM3 Olson - RIVRON THREE OS1 Herring - RIVRON
ONE BM2 Carter - RIVRON ONE (BMSN (?) Ratt, Jr.)
By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class
(SW/AW) Elizabeth Merriam, Fleet Public Affairs Center Atlantic
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (NNS) -- The Gamewardens of
Vietnam Association (GWVA) recognized three Sailors from Riverine Group
(RIVGRU) 1 Sept. 7, by awarding them the first GWVA Leadership Excellence Award
at Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek.
Receiving the awards were Boatswain's Mate 2nd
Class (EXW/SCW) Benjamin Carter of Riverine Squadron (RIVRON) 1, Operations
Specialist 1st Class Russell Herring of RIVRON 2 and Hospital Corpsman 3rd
Class (FMF) Chad Olson of RIVRON 3.

RADM Bullard, HM3 Olson, OS1 Herring, BM2 Carter
and CAPT Jordan.
"When we started working with the admiral on this
award we specifically asked for deckplate leadership," said retired Capt. John
Woody, president of the GWVA. "We were looking for a person who can bring you
out of harm's way, take care of the engine problem or fix a weapon if they need
to under stress. Each one of the squadrons has provided us with a Sailor that
we feel is an embodiment of this award."
The award was designed to honor leadership and
service, two principles that the members of GWVA feel are just as important
with today's riverine forces as they were when the association was serving.
"I think if you learn from all of the gamewarden
stories of what went on in Vietnam, you understand what this award means
because in a boat crew of five or six, everybody has got to stand up and be
able to lead," said Rear Adm. Donald K. Bullard, Commander, Navy Expeditionary
Combat Command.
"I think these heroes in Vietnam saw in numerous
firefights that anybody could be a leader in that boat if need be, but it's
those special few who, if needed, would take the lead in the most dangerous
conditions," added Bullard.
During the ceremony Carter presented the
association with a flag flown by RIVRON 1 in Ramadi, Iraq.
"I flew this at Camp Ramadi because we were the
first riverine squadron to be in country since Vietnam so I figured it would be
appropriate to pass that on to connect the chain between the present and the
past," Carter said.

For more news from Navy Expeditionary Combat
Command, visit www.news.navy.mil/local/necc/.